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Nissan One Ton

  • 25,000.00 / Day


The Jonga built by the Indian Army was based on Nissan’s global SUV called the Patrol 60. The latter was the result of the Japanese government’s requirement for a sturdy vehicle that could repair a nation torn by the effects of World War II. It issued a contract for a Jeep-type vehicle that could be used by the military, police as well as fire and health workers.

After the first-gen 4W60 model was designed, tested and approved for these purposes, Nissan decided to rename it the Patrol and offer it to civilians in its home country as well as across the world. By 1951, Nissan began exporting the Patrol to other nations around the world and by the 1960s, the Indian Army registered its interest in building it on our shores for military use. It can be safely assumed that the Jonga, along with Nissan’s 1 Ton Carrier (the one that Dhoni bought) and the 3 Ton Shaktiman truck helped keep post-independence India’s borders safe and secure. The name Jonga comes from Jabalpur Ordnance aNd Guncarriage Assembly, the manufacturing plant for this revered off-road vehicle in India.


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